Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm starting a BlanketFort! Come join me!

I try to avoid the news. In the morning, I watch something that was recorded the previous night as I eat my breakfast (oatmeal and coffee). Before I go, I might turn into the Today show. But more and more I've been avoiding the news.


Money stresses me out. After years of living paycheck to paycheck, then unemployment and temping, and now working for a paycheck that is exactly half of what I made as a teacher, money is a sore subject with me. I owe tens out thousands in student loans. After I pay the bills, I usually only have $20 left. Things like that.

What's in the news? Money. the rich don't want to pay taxes. *eyeroll* They want to get rid of the programs that help the poor.

I wish that the people (recently, the childish people) in Washington would stop focusing on the 2012 election and the fight to either keep their jobs, or get other people out of their jobs, to actually DO their jobs. I can see it happening, and it makes me upset and sad. Can't the politicians in Washington fight for ALL Americans, not just the ones that donate to campaigns?

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