Sunday, January 7, 2018

2018 Resolutions

It’s that time again.  The time when everyone and their mother make resolutions.

Of course, everyone makes them.  Few people follow through with them.

Here are mine.  Let’s see how well I do!

  • Exercise at least 6 days a week (including running and stretching)
  • Incorporate the physical therapy exercises that my chiropractor suggested
  • Balanced, portion controlled meals
  • Cut down on the snacks and sweets

  • Get adequate sleep every night
  • See above on the food
  • Actually get out in unlit and interact with humanity, especially when I don’t want to.
  • Make sure to see my friends more often

  • Take clothes to donate monthly
  • everything has a place, is in a storage box or is donated/tossed out
  • Decluttter every week
  • Do one cleaning chore a day (that isn’t disshes or laundry), and make sure that it gets done.
  • Stop buying stuff that I don't need!
  • Work on building a saving's account... we want to buy a house someday!

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