Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Well, I did it!

Yesterday, emails flew around the building.  So I did it.

I signed up for the ChristmasTown Dash.

I'm going to run it with my office manager and the Admin downstairs.  Go team James Blair Hall!

In celebration, I got up this morning and did the first day of Couch to 5K.  It wasn't awful!

I even got in to see the Chiropractor this morning.  I need to try to make it in once a pay cycle.  I was definitely out of whack!

Speaking of out of whack, my whole schedule was out of whack yesterday.  I left work a bit early, and got a call on my way home.  The power is out.  So instead of laundry, dishes and making dinner.... we hit the road to brake the lack of traffic lights... to go to Taco Bell.


Actually, we saw the power come back on as we were driving to the Taco Bell.  But it was too late.  We already made up our minds!  

Unfortunately dishes and laundry are still undone.

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